The full Emergency Action Plan for 80 M Street is available in Building Engines and can be requested from the Property Management Team; sections of the plan are detailed below.

Team Organization

The building emergency response team is composed of the fire department and other emergency response personnel, the Property Management team, the building engineers, and tenant-appointed personnel, known as Fire Wardens. Each team member has been designated to perform specific tasks in the event of an emergency.  It is imperative that all building occupants be familiar with these key personnel and follow their directives in a timely, organized manner.

Fire Wardens and Alternate Fire Wardens are tenant-appointed representatives who act as liaisons between management and tenants during emergencies. A current Floor Warden form is required to be on file with the Property Management Office. Wardens also act as leaders and points of contact for office co-workers.  Alternate Fire Wardens relieve Fire Wardens in their absence and assist when both are present.  They have the following emergency and non-emergency responsibilities: 

  • Review the entire Life Safety Program handbook with other employees and make sure all functions and responsibilities are carried out during a fire drill, fire emergency or other building emergencies.
  • Know the location of the nearest fire stairwell and alternate fire stairwells to exit the building.
  • Know emergency telephone numbers and procedures.
  • Know how to assume control.
  • Meet with Property Management to designate a company meeting location outside of the building away from the immediate entrance-exit areas.
  • Create a list of the names and work locations of personnel with physical disabilities and assign a specific employee to assist them during an emergency (a form is provided for this purpose in section 3 (C) of this handbook). Send a copy of this list to your Property Management Office.
  • Communicate safety, fire prevention and any life safety issue or problems to the Property Management team.


System Features 

For your safety and well-being, 80 M Street is equipped with the following safety features:

Fire Alarm Pull Stations & Smoke Detectors
Red fire alarm pull stations and smoke detectors are conveniently located throughout the building. In the event of a fire, pulling the fire alarm will activate the fire alarm and the fire department will be summoned. Please take a few minutes to locate the pull stations in your office. Fire alarm pull stations are in the common lobby area of each floor near each exit stairwell. 

Exit Stairwells
There are two exit stairwells accessible from each floor for protection during evacuation. Emergency stairwell exits leading to the street level are located on either side of the building. Tenants should familiarize themselves with the location of both exit stairwells and how to reach them from their normal working areas by following the exit signs.

Sprinkler System
An automatic sprinkler system equipped with water flow detectors monitors building conditions for the presence of heat (fire). 

Elevator Recall & Emergency Service
The following system has been installed to protect people from using or attempting to use the elevators during a fire:

Automatic Recall
If any smoke detector senses smoke, the automatic recall system is activated and all elevator doors will close and the cars will return to the ground floor, or an alternate floor if smoke is detected on the ground floor.  Here they will remain with doors open until they are released by the fire department.

Fire Prevention
Please observe the following precautions:

  • Do not place furniture or other objects too close to sprinkler heads.  There must be at least an 18-inch clearance from the bottom of the sprinkler head to the top of any object underneath.
  • Keep all hallways and exits free of boxes and trash.
  • Check all electrical equipment at the end of the day to make sure everything is turned off. This includes coffee pots, computers, and printers.
  • Do not store discarded files and paper trash in office or storage areas including electric or phone closets.
  • Keep appliances and cords in good repair and inspect them periodically.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the building.
  • Open flames are prohibited.
  • Live trees or decorative plant material (i.e., Christmas trees or wreaths) cannot be placed in any area of the building; these items are also potential fire hazards. Artificial trees, wreaths, etc. are acceptable.
  • Additional appliances, particularly space heaters, cannot be used without the authorization of Building Management.

The Property Management Office will schedule practice fire drills once a year, and additionally as needed. The Property Management team will conduct, document, and critique each drill held, and will notify tenant contacts at least one week prior to the drills.


Evacuation/Fire Drills

It is imperative to implement and practice an evacuation or relocation plan before an emergency occurs. In the event a fire alarm identifies an emergency within the building requiring evacuation, please follow the below procedures:

Remain Calm.

  • Fire Wardens: direct building occupants to the closest stairwell.
  • Exit your office suite according to your pre-arranged evacuation procedure.  Close all doors behind you as you exit.
  • Carefully check for heat with the back of your hand by lightly touching the doorframe near the top.  Then check the doorknob.  If either is hot, go to an alternate exit.  If the door is cool to touch, open it slowly, and shut it quickly if you encounter flames or smoke.
  • Do not use elevators.  Move in an orderly fashion toward the exit stairwell.
  • Use the exit stairwell to move outside of the building to your company’s prearranged meeting area, as verified by your Property Management Office.

If your exit route is blocked by smoke:

  • Stay calm and crawl low beneath the smoke.  The air is easier to breathe near the floor.  Follow the wall to the nearest exit and leave the building.
  • If trapped in a room/building, try to get to an outside window and stay there.  Close all the doors between you and the smoke. Seal the crack around the doors and vents with wet towels, clothes, or other materials.
  • If water is available, dampen a cloth and breathe through it to filter out smoke.
  • Signal at the window to rescuers with something bright to attract their attention.
  • If there is a telephone in the room, call 911 to give the fire department your exact location, even if they are on the scene.  Wait for rescue or instructions.  Be patient until help arrives.

If You Observe a Fire:

  • Activate the fire alarm pull station.
  • Begin Evacuation Procedures.


  • Report the location and the nature of the fire.  Do not hang up until the operator tells you to do so.
  • Call the Property Management Office.
  • Do not go back into the building after exiting until the building is cleared by the fire department.
  • In all instances, follow the direction of the identified fire personnel.

Fire Wardens Should:

  • Immediately initiate and ensure evacuation of your premises including conference rooms, all offices, restrooms, etc.,
  • Be sure all employees are out of the building.
  • Close all doors behind you.
  • Leave the floor last.
  • Confirm that all co-workers are present at the pre-determined meeting location outside of the building or are otherwise accounted for (e.g., not in the office due to illness, vacations, etc.).


Associated Forms (EAP Personnel, etc.)

Please contact the Property Management Office to obtain and complete the Tenant Emergency Contact Form, Life Safety and Floor Warden, and other associated forms. It is the responsibility of the tenant to notify management of any changes to this information. This information is kept strictly confidential and aids us in contacting an authorized tenant representative in the event of an emergency involving your premises. 


Fire Prevention

Please observe the following precautions:

  • Do not place furniture or other objects too close to sprinkler heads.  There must be at least an 18-inch clearance from the bottom of the sprinkler head to the top of any object underneath.
  • Keep all hallways and exits free of boxes and trash.
  • Check all electrical equipment at the end of the day to make sure everything is turned off. This includes coffee pots, computers, and printers.
  • Do not store discarded files and paper trash in office or storage areas including electric or phone closets.
  • Keep appliances and cords in good repair and inspect them periodically. 
  • Smoking is not permitted in the building.
  • Open flames are prohibited.
  • Live trees or decorative plant material (i.e., Christmas trees or wreaths) cannot be placed in any area of the building; these items are also potential fire hazards. Artificial trees, wreaths, etc. are acceptable.  
  • Additional appliances, particularly space heaters, cannot be used without the authorization of Building Management. 
 The Property Management Office will schedule practice fire drills once a year, and additionally as needed. The Property Management team will conduct, document, and critique each drill held, and will notify tenant contacts at least one week prior to the drills.
Use of Extinguishers


We recommend that all tenants have a First Aid Kit and basic first aid knowledge.

If someone in your office should have a medical emergency, do the following:

  • STAY CALM AND CALL 911.   
  • Tell the operator that there is an emergency at 80 M Street SE, Washington, DC.  Be sure to give the location of the emergency (floor number, suite number, company name).
  • Describe the Emergency Situation.
  • Notify the Property Management Office, so that personnel can hold an elevator in the lobby for the emergency medical team if needed and lead them to the appropriate location.
  • Use the First Aid Kit and assist the victim to the degree that you are trained. 



Bomb threat callers send warnings of possible bombs for a variety of reasons: to make a statement, to create panic or disrupt normal business, or to evacuate the building out of concern for the safety of the people inside. 

Bomb threat messages may be received in several ways; through the mail, by messenger, over the telephone, on a note left in a public place, or even on a computer screen. Although most of all bomb threats are hoaxes, they do have one thing in common - they must all be taken seriously.

While safety is of paramount importance in any emergency, in the case of a bomb threat immediate notification of building occupants or a complete evacuation of the building is not always the safest way to proceed.  The confusion and panic may pose greater exposure to danger than the threat itself.  Follow the directions of the authorities, who will determine if an evacuation is necessary.

Telephone Bomb Threat

Be calm and courteous. Concentrate on the exact wording used in the message, focus all attention on the call and try to attain as many details as possible.

If possible, WITHOUT letting the caller know, enlist the aid of fellow employees to first notify the police and then the Property Management Office, giving the following information:

  1. Company Name
  2. Suite Number/Floor
  3. Name and telephone number of employee making this call.

Obtain as much information as possible. Refer to the Bomb Threat Form at the end of this section. As a minimum, try to find out: 

  1. Exact location of the device
  2. Time set for explosion
  3. Description of the device
  4. Reason the caller has placed the bomb
  5. Write down the exact words spoken by the caller

Remain calm, do not scare, or notify fellow employees, and wait for instructions from the police department.



Once Building Management has been notified of a bomb threat, we will notify your firm’s Manager.  It is the decision of the Property Manager, and/or your firm’s Manager as to whether it is appropriate to evacuate the office, except when specifically ordered by the police.

If you are asked to evacuate the building:

  • Take your most critical personal belongings (such as purses, handbags, wallets, keys, briefcases), lock your own desk and files and exit your suite promptly.
  • Do NOT use the elevator
  • Exit the building and move away from the entrances to allow unimpeded passage of emergency personnel and meet at your company’s predetermined assembly point.
  • Do NOT re-enter the building until clearance has been given by the Police Department.

Suspicious Looking Package or Envelope

Do not move or touch the questionable package or envelope

Remain Calm

Clear the immediate area where the package or envelope has been discovered

Notify the police department at 911 with the following key information:

  • Company Name
  • Suite Number/Floor and Building Address
  • Name and telephone number of employee making this call
  • Details of the suspicious looking package or envelope
  • Location of the suspicious looking package or envelope
  • Notify Building Management with the same information

Building Management will give the authorities and tenants all available information.  It is our policy that it is the decision of the Property Manager, and/or your company’s manager, to decide if it is appropriate to evacuate the office, except when specifically ordered by the police.

If you are asked to evacuate the building, follow the procedures above.

Contact the Property Management team for a Bomb Threat Checklist and/or further details on any of the Emergency plans outlined in this section.


Columbia Property Trust recommends that each tenant have an emergency action plan in place to help their employees prepare for, and react quickly to, a regional emergency, including terrorist attacks. Click on the links below to access a variety of resources that aid in preparing for a regional emergency.

Department of Homeland Security

Federal Emergency Management Association

American Red Cross

Center for Diseases Control and Prevention Emergency Preparedness and Response

Local media outlets will provide important information during an emergency situation.

WTOP Radio - 1500 AM, 820 AM and 107.7 FM:

The Washington Post: 

WJLA Channel 7: 

WUSATV Channel 9: 

NBC4 Channel 4: 


Chemical, Biological and Radiological attack 

What Background Information Do I Need to Know About a Hazardous Materials Release?
Although the presence of Hazardous Material has become more of a concern in recent years due to terrorist activity, there has always been the potential for a release due to a non-antagonistic action, such as spillage from a tanker that has been in an accident. In either event, the types of outcomes can vary widely.  In general, chemical releases frequently have more immediately noticeable consequences, while biological releases may not be immediately known.  In both cases there is the potential for harm to individuals, and in both instances the government is in the best position to provide overview direction and make available the antibiotics or antidotes necessary. Nuclear, or radiological, contamination also tends to create a wide range of concerns, based upon whether the source is a nuclear blast or normal explosion designed to spread nuclear waste. Because of the wide range of different ways that hazardous materials affect people, it is difficult, if not impossible for employers to set up all the necessary protection needed for every possible circumstance. 

How Do Building Systems and Columbia Property Trust Services Employees Respond to a Hazardous Material Release?
The response to a Hazardous Material release varies based upon whether the release occurs outside or within the building.  If the material were released inside, we would immediately shut down the air moving systems in the building so as to prevent the spread of the material.  Based upon the scope of the release we would proceed with an evacuation of the affected premises, and notification to other building occupants.  If the release were external and in the area of the building, we would shut down both the fans that bring fresh air into the building and the stairwell pressurization fans. We may also shut down elevator service in order to prevent their movement from drawing air into the building. Rather than evacuating the buildings, we would encourage occupants to remain inside, or “shelter in,” and would continue to monitor and make available the specific directives from government authorities.   

What Should Our Firm’s Responses Be to a Hazardous Material Release? 
As referenced earlier, the wide range of potential circumstances make it very difficult for employers to plan for every potential release event to which their employees might be exposed. The best response will be based upon following the guidelines put in place by Property Management, and so it is essential that each employer have individuals who are familiar with their firm’s emergency response plans, and who are prepared to enact them.


Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the building, the security guards will immediately lock all entrances to the building. The police will be notified. We will keep you informed. Please follow the below instructions. 

  • Stay out of corridors.
  • Stay away from outside windows where objects thrown from the street might cause injury.
  • Lock all office doors leading from hallways if unauthorized persons have entered the building
  • Immediately notify the Management Office if unauthorized persons have entered the building. Wait for further instructions.


Should there be a Power Failure, be prepared and remember:

  • Remain calm.
  • Stay where you are.
  • Await further instructions.
  • Keep flashlight with extra batteries in office.
  • If an immediate danger or problem exists, use emergency stairwell exits or outer stairwell corridors.

Widespread Power Failure:

  • Keep flashlight with you even if minimal lighting exists.
  • Check telephone for service.
  • Check lighting in hallways.
  • Turn off/unplug equipment to prevent surge upon power restoration.
  • Place absorbent materials around refrigerators, ice machines, etc.


  • Service will be minimal during a power failure.
  • If inside the elevator, lights will go out and car will stop.
  • If car bounces or sways as lights go out, an earthquake may be involved.
  • Attract attention/establish communication by depressing "Alarm" and “Intercom” button once every2 minutes until communication is made.
  • The emergency generator will automatically start and power one elevator at a time and bring it down to the lobby level. This process will continue until all of the elevators are brought down to the lobby.

If evacuation is ordered:

  • Notify others in your vicinity.
  • Exit calmly through nearest stairwell; keep to the right side, close to the wall.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Notify appropriate party of any persons who may need assistance exiting the building.
  • Move at least one block away from the building.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed to do so.


Emergency Generator 

Emergency Power & Lighting: 
During a power failure, an emergency generator operates automatically, powering all safety equipment and emergency lighting.  This system brings one elevator at a time to the lobby, runs the fire pump, and provides emergency exit lighting every 15-20 feet in all hallways.

Monitoring Company:
The monitoring company monitors fire detection and alarm systems including the elevator emergency communication system 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The monitoring company contacts the fire department and Property Management staff upon detection of an emergency. 


Please follow your local weather service for updates and advisories regarding severe weather.


  • Stock extra fuel, water and ready-to-eat foods.
  • Have flashlights and battery-operated radio on hand.
  • Fill gas tank. Protect car from blowing snow.
  • Keep blankets, shovel and bag of sand in trunk of car.
  • If stranded, stay in car. Run engine occasionally, but crack windows. Check exhaust for snow blockage.
  • If out of gas, keep all windows closed. Turn on dome light at night. Stand watch and do not go to sleep.
  • If on foot, follow deep ruts or fence row. Tie scarf on mouth and nose to protect lungs, ears and face.



  • Do not travel alone. Do not drive without snow tires or chains.
  • Avoid night travel.
  • Do not exert yourself pushing cars, shoveling snow or walking. Watch for icicles.


Severe Thunderstorm

Please follow your local weather service for updates and advisories regarding severe weather.


  • Immediately move away from exterior walls and windows.
  • Exit into central corridors.
  • Walk, don't run, to nearest exit.
  • Grasp handrail and walk down stairway to area below ground level as directed.
  • Move quickly away from stairway to door to avoid congestion.
  • Stay calm.



  • Do not use elevators.
  • Do not attempt to exit building or below ground area until instructed to do so




  • Get into building or car.
  • Drop to ground if hair stands up and skin begins to tingle.
  • If out of doors, avoid highest point, metal fences, tall trees, etc. Do get in ditch.
  • Give artificial respiration if a person is unconscious after being struck by lightning.



  • Do not use electric appliances or telephone. Remove plugs and antenna wires from television.
  • Do not sit near windows, doors, sinks and pipes.
  • Lie flat and do not touch metal objects.
  • Do not fear a person who has been struck by lightning as you are in no danger of being shocked



  • Listen to building security for instructions.
  • Stay inside.
  • Stay away from all windows


TORNADO WATCHES are issued by the National Weather Service for areas threatened by tornados and severe thunderstorms.  These watches specify a time period and area where tornado probabilities are highest.  During a watch, LOOK FOR THREATENING WEATHER and stay tuned to radio and television for more information.

TORNADO WARNINGS are issued by the local National Weather Service offices when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by radar.  Warnings describe the area that could be affected. If a warning is issued, TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY. 



Please follow your local weather service for updates and advisories regarding Hurricanes. 


  • Listen to local radio and television for instructions.
  • Fill auto with gas.
  • Store ready-to-eat food and emergency medical supplies.
  • Have handy battery-operated flashlights and radio.
  • Stay indoors, away from windows.
  • After storm, use phone for emergencies only. Avoid downed wires.


Please follow your local weather service for updates and advisories regarding floods alerts.


  • Listen to building security for instructions.
  • Stock supply of ready-to-eat foods.
  • Have battery powered radio and flashlights ready to use.
  • While driving, watch for slides, fallen wires and flood water.



  • In the event of a flash flood, do not take the time to move anything. Leave immediately. If car stalls, abandon and seek higher ground.
  • If walking, do not move into water over your knees.
  • After flood, do not eat or drink anything touched by flood water.


In a major earthquake, power, water and telephone lines may be down and emergency services may not be able to reach you for up to three days. For this reason, it is important to be prepared. The best way to prepare yourself for an earthquake is by creating an earthquake plan for your office and an earthquake survival kit.

Three Things You Need to Know

  • How to turn off gas, water, and electricity.
  • First aid.
  • Plan for reuniting your family

Survival Items to Keep on Hand

  • Flashlight and portable radio with extra batteries, light bulbs
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Watch or clock - battery operated or spring wound
  • Blankets and sleeping bags, heavy shoes
  • Manual can opener
  • Prescription medication and glasses

If you are in the building:

Note: Stay where you are! Wait for instructions through the Public Address System. Do not exit the building unless it is unsafe to remain inside.

  1. Stay calm and encourage others to do the same.
  2. Do not stand in office building doorways, instead “duck, cover and hold.” Take cover by ducking under a desk, table or the like. Hold on until the movement has stopped.
  3. Move away from windows and glass partitions, bookshelves, file cabinets, wall hangings and suspended objects.
  4. Do not use elevators.
  5. Do not take cover in emergency stairwell exits.
  6. Be prepared for aftershocks and power failures.

If You are in an Elevator:

  1. Do not use the STOP button while elevator is moving.
  2. Crouch down near the center or front of the elevator until movement ceases.
  3. Do not lean against the walls or corners of the elevator.
  4. Exit the elevator at the first opportunity. Do not use the elevators unless advised by the emergency team that it is safe.

If You are Outside (Open Area, Park, Plaza, etc.):

  1. Move away from buildings, glass doors and windows, trees, power lines and brick walls.
  2. Crouch down and cover your head with your arms.


If safe, conduct a thorough inspection of your suite to locate any trapped or injured persons, dangerous or shorting electrical circuits, damaged and leaking water pipes, unstable walls and ceilings. Notify building management.

If You Must Evacuate the Building:

  • Post a message indicating where you can be found.
  • If safe, gather whatever supplies possible from your desk and lunchroom.

Articles to bring with you:

  • your wallet or purse
  • silverware or a drinking cup
  • canned/dry foods
  • blankets or clothing
  • flashlight, radio and batteries
  • important papers and cash
  • pens, paper, etc.
  • bottled water, soft drinks

If You Locate an Injured Person:

  • If you are qualified to administer first aid, do so. If you are not qualified, wait for qualified assistance to arrive.
  • Write down the person’s name and location.
  • Do not remove identification (wallets, purses, etc.) from injured or unconscious persons.

If you are Injured:

  • Notify others in your area that you are injured, the extent of your injuries, and that you require medical assistance.
  • Do not move from your location unless it is unsafe to remain in the area. If you move, try to leave a note in that area or in the stairwell to advise others of where you have gone.
  • If you are alone and injured, you should try to activate a manual alarm and exit into the nearest stairwell. Once you are in the stairwell, wait on the nearest platform for assistance.

Helpful Tips:

  • Paper towels from the rest room used with office supply articles such as tape, can provide bandages for the wounded.
  • Many offices use bottled water. If possible, carefully try to secure water bottles after an earthquake for future use.
  • Emergency water may be obtained from a water heater, toilet tanks, melted ice cubes and canned vegetables.
  • It is likely that the power will go out after a major earthquake. First eat refrigerated foods before cookies, candy bars and other non-perishables.
  • If blankets are needed, consider pulling down drapes or even using carpeting for warmth.
  • Fire hoses can be used should you need rope.
  • If you have ice or ice packs, place them in doubled up plastic bags.




  • Check for injuries; give First Aid, if you are qualified.
  • Check the water pipes. If they are broken, shut off the water valve.
  • Turn on a portable radio for information.
  • Open doors to closets and storage shelves carefully (watch for falling objects).
  • Put on heavy shoes to avoid injury from glass and other debris.



  • Turn on electrical switches if you smell gas.
  • Touch downed power lines.
  • Use the phone, except for emergencies.
  • Eat or drink anything from open containers near shattered glass.
  • Cook indoors; use outdoor charcoal broilers.
  • Go sightseeing; streets should be clear for emergency vehicles



Immediately report suspicious persons to Security by calling 202.454.5884 and 911. 

Report unknown persons who: 

  • Loiter in elevator lobbies, hallways or rest rooms.
  • Solicit, take written notes, photographs or videos.
  • Change clothes in restroom.
  • Appear lost, out of place or act in a suspicious manner

Inform Security of: 

  • Your name, company affiliation, floor, phone number and, if applicable, your extension.
  • Description of person.
  • What person said and did.
  • Where person has gone (up or down in elevators, etc.)

Check for and report all thefts to Security:

  • Purse or Wallet If missing, check rest room trash receptacles.
  • Checkbook Check numerical sequence or checks missing from middle or end of pad. Call bank to stop payment.
  • ATM/Credit Cards Never give ATM access code numbers on telephone to any caller claiming to be a bank employee. Tell caller you will call back. If stolen, call bank at listed telephone number to report theft
  • House Keys If missing, you may need to change locks at residence.

Take immediate action: 

  • Secure rear doors of office.
  • Regardless of where theft occurred, have everyone check wallets, purses or valuables.
  • Notify people returning from lunch or who were away from the office at the time of the problem.


Good practices for coping with an active shooter situation:

  • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers
  • Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit
  • If you are in an office, stay there and secure the door
  • If you are in a hallway, get into a room and secure the door
  • As a last resort, attempt to take the active shooter down. When the shooter is a close range and you cannot flee, your chance of survival is much greater if you try to incapacitate him/her.


Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Remember that customers and clients are likely to follow the lead of employees and managers during an active shooter situation.

1. Evacuate – If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind
  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • Help others escape, if possible
  • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be
  • Keep your hands visible
  • Follow the instructions of any police officers
  • Do not attempt to move wounded people




2. Hide out – If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you.

Your hiding place should:

  • Be out of the active shooter’s view
  • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door)
  • Not trap you or restrict your options for movement

To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:

  • Lock the door
  • Blockade the door with heavy furniture

If the active shooter is nearby:

  • Lock the door
  • Silence your cell phone and/or pager
  • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions)
  • Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks)
  • Remain quiet

If evacuation and hiding out are not possible:

  • Remain calm
  • Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen

3. Take action against the active shooter as a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:

  • Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her
  • Throwing items and improvising weapons
  • Yelling
  • Committing to your action

Copyright 2025 by Columbia Property Trust.